Mini Adjustable Derma Pen


How to use?

Fill the enclosed glass serum ampoule with your choice of products

Set the adjustment dial to your desired depth and make sure it has been disinfected and cleaned before use. This is to ensure sterility.

Cleanse skin with  of choice to remove all traces of makeup. This will also prevent the exchange of bacteria.

Simply press the Derma Stamp into the area you wish to treat, focusing on one area at a time. Do not over-stamp the same area. Maintain a uniform speed and pressure for the best results.


Depth and needle length guidance

0.20-0.25mm = Better skin care absorption. Improving your skin condition. Very fine lines around sensitive areas.

0.3-0.5mm =  Better skin care absorption. Improving your skin condition. Very fine lines around sensitive areas. Eradicate potholes of dirt or dead tissue. Skin whitening and lifting. Prevent hair loss.

0.75-1.0mm = Remove light wrinkles on the face and around the eyes. Rejuvenate under eye area. Acne scaring and light pigmentations.

1.5mm = Remove deep wrinkles and scar. Improve sun damage pigmentations. mostly use on the face but can be used all over the body.

Please note that any needle above 1.00 is recommended for professional usage only.


What is the difference?

When comparing adjustable microneedling stamp vs  Dr pen there are many similarities. However the main difference between them is that stamp-like motion with the Dr.Pen is fully automated. While the derma stamp has to be pressed into skin manually. This can take some practice.

Unlike a Dr.Pen device with replaceable cartridges it also requires sterilization after each use, this is because the mini stamp can be used up to 10 times.

We also sell a larger adjustable derma stamp which can be found  to treat larger areas on the body.

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