What is Maderoterapia—Wood Therapy?
Maderoterapia or Wood Therapy is a holistic massage technique with specially designed wooden elements (rolling pins) that come in different sizes and shapes.Each wooden element has a specific use for a particular area of the body. Maderoterapia balances energy and reduces stress, but the use of this therapy has spread for aesthetic purposes too. Since it can be used to firm and contour the body, reduce wrinkles, as well as to eliminate localized fat and fight cellulite.Wood Therapy can be applied to whole body and for different purposes, but the most popular are those for aesthetics purposes:Anti Cellulite and Facial Wood Therapy.

What is our Maderotherapy Massage Tools advantages? |

Wood therapy intensify the breakdown of fat and fibrous cellulite, so that it can be eliminated naturally with other toxins. This technique employs repetitive movements using different wooden instruments to manipulate targeted areas of muscle, fat and cellulite, stimulating the lymphatic drainage system to remove unnecessary water, fat and toxins from the body. A series of 10-15 treatments is necessary to achieve the desired results.

Our professional Maderotherapy Massage Tools all made from 100% natural wood. The style of the wood is Beech. And beech is of high density and is durable and does not break easily.So our professional Maderotherapy Massage Tools has exceptional quality and strength of the wood allow for long-term use.

Maderotherapy massage Set include 5 different, 100% natural wood massage tools which will withstand the rigors of heavy use while remaining corrosion free. Each tool is unique and can effectively relax various parts of muscles, such as shoulders, waist, arms, legs, neck, feet, etc.

Our professional Maderotherapy Massage set edges are smooth and will not scratch the skin. It helps to get rid of fat.It’s miracle is to release your tight muscles and reduce your deep pain.

Wood therapy is a 100% natural way to contour the body remove double chin, reduce wrinkles, and tone the skin. The secret is in the specially-designed wooden elements that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen, improve blood circulation, removes unwanted fat and therefore firms and tones the skin and contour the face and neck. Final result is a rejuvenated and firmer skin.

Our professional wood therapy gives quick and visible results in the body shaping, inch/cm loss and reduction of cellulite appearance, which boosts confidence and enthusiasm in your clients.and It’s a great way to relax your muscles.You can use them any where and any time.
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